Explanation of Course Numbers

  • Courses in the 1000s are primarily introductory undergraduate courses
  • Those in the 2000s to 4000s are upper-level undergraduate courses that also may be taken for graduate credit with permission and additional work assigned
  • Those in the 6000s and 8000s are for master’s, doctoral, and professional-level students
  • The 6000s are open to advanced undergraduate students with approval of the instructor and the dean or advising office

CPED 0920. Continuing Research - Masters. 1 Credit.

CPED 0940. Continuing Research - Doctoral. 1 Credit.

CPED 5099. Variable Topics. 1-99 Credits.

CPED 6100. Special Topics. 1-12 Credits.

Topics and fees announced in the Schedule of Classes. Credit cannot be earned for this course and CNSL 6100, SPED 6100.

CPED 6100W. Special Topics. 1-12 Credits.

Includes a significant engagement in writing as a form of critical inquiry and scholarly expression to satisfy the WID requirement.

CPED 6101. Research and Independent Study. 1-3 Credits.

Individual research under the guidance of a staff member; program and conferences arranged with an instructor.

CPED 6131. Teaching Jewish History to Middle and High School Students. 3 Credits.

Concepts for educators surrounding the ways in which Jewish historians interpret primary sources and analyze historiographic debates.

CPED 6132. Strategies for Teaching Biblical Texts. 3 Credits.

Analysis of major biblical narratives using study methods ranging from the historical to the literary; key aspects of biblical interpretation and strategies for teaching Bible effectively.

CPED 6133. Rabbinic Judaism and the Teaching of Rabbinic Texts. 3 Credits.

The development of rabbinic Judaism through a study of its thought and literature using primary texts from 100 to 500 C.E.; best practices for teaching rabbinic texts using different pedagogical approaches; distinctions between a historically-based academic approach and a more imaginative, theological approach.

CPED 6134. Practicum in Jewish Education. 2 Credits.

Field-based experiences and weekly seminar for students seeking to teach in classrooms dedicated to Jewish education; honing disciplinary expertise in the curriculum; lesson planning, instructional strategies, classroom management and intervention, and new methods and tools.

CPED 6172. Strategies for Inclusion: Addressing the Needs of Diverse Learners. 3 Credits.

Strategies by which teachers can more effectively assume the responsibility to serve all children in an inclusionary setting, including those who are second language learners and students with disabilities. Same as SPED 6272.

CPED 6175. The Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Student with Special Needs: Policy, Research, and Trends. 3 Credits.

Educational service delivery for the culturally and linguistically diverse student. National, state, and local policies; current research in bilingual education, special education, and bilingual special education. Material fee. Same as SPED 6275.

CPED 6176. Academic and Psychosocial Assessment of the Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Student. 3 Credits.

Issues in academic and psychosocial assessment of second language learners. The impact of second language acquisition and culture on the assessment process; differentiation between language difference and disability; IEP development; the use of interpreters and translators; the involvement of family and communities; standardized and alternative assessments; and legislative mandates. Material fee. Same as SPED 6276.

CPED 6199. Federal Education Policy Institute. 3 Credits.

The federal role in education policymaking in the context of national, state, and local efforts to create school environments for effective learning and the promotion of social and emotional health in children and youth. Same as SPED 6299.

CPED 6221. Developmental Reading: Emergent Literacy. 3 Credits.

The components of a balanced literacy program for emergent, beginning, and early-instructional-level readers. Incorporation of phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, reading comprehension, and writing lessons into a balanced reading–literacy program.

CPED 6223. Interdisciplinary Elementary School Literacies. 3 Credits.

Theory and practice of interdisciplinary elementary school studied in the context of the interactions between the domain-specific and strategic processes involved in teaching and learning from printed text and other media in science, literature, mathematics, social studies, and the arts.

CPED 6224. Diagnostic Teaching of Reading: K–6. 3 Credits.

Collection of diagnostic data; construction of informal traditional and non-traditional reading and writing tests; other instruments of evaluation; selecting and planning activities suitable to specific problems. Prerequisite: at least one previous course in reading.

CPED 6225. Introduction to International Curricula. 3 Credits.

CPED 6229. Current Issues in Elementary Education. 3 Credits.

Identification, definition, and analysis of some of the most important problems facing the contemporary American elementary school.

CPED 6236. Analysis of Teaching. 3 Credits.

Teaching viewed as a system; component aspects are examined with a view toward developing a critical method of analysis. Material fee.

CPED 6239. Practicum in Curriculum and Instruction. 3-6 Credits.

Supervised field experience in curriculum and instruction. Permission of the instructor required prior to enrollment.

CPED 6289. New Literacies Coach and Reading Specialist. 3 Credits.

Contemporary issues and conditions influencing literacy/reading leadership roles and the expanded roles of the new literacy reading coach and reading specialist. Topics include designing and evaluating interdisciplinary literacy education environments. Students work with educators on instructional and professional development activities to meet the literacy education needs of children. Prerequisites: CPED 6224 and permission of the department.

CPED 6292. Practicum 2: Leadership in Interdisciplinary Literacies. 3-6 Credits.

Drawing on prior program experiences in leadership and interdisciplinary literacies, students develop and refine effective interdisciplinary literacy education leadership qualities and skills, facilitate change in school communities, and foster teacher growth and student achievement. Students demonstrate lessons and provide assistance with lesson planning to teachers in, across, and between subject area disciplines and conduct professional development workshops in school settings. Prerequisite: CPED 6289.

CPED 6305. Foundations of Curriculum Theory. 3 Credits.

Examination of the educational ideas of individuals and groups that have influenced American and international curriculum development and practice during the 20th and 21st centuries. Comparisons of the issues, models, and principles that have guided curricular thought, development, and innovation.

CPED 6339. Teachers as Researchers. 3 Credits.

Qualitative and quantitative methods of research in teaching and learning with a focus on practitioner-based research. Prepares teachers to develop an inquiry stance towards their practice and provides them with the knowledge, experiences, and skills to systematically examine their own practice and student learning.

CPED 6340. Teacher Leadership in Education. 3 Credits.

From the perspectives of educational theory and practice, the ideals and realities of contemporary public school teaching are viewed within a system of local, state, and federal organizations, with the goal of enhancing the role of teachers as knowledgeable and effective leaders in their profession. Material fee.

CPED 6353. Post-Master's Internship in Curriculum and Instruction. 3-6 Credits.

Supervised professional internship in curriculum, instruction, teaching, research, or policymaking. Internships are individually arranged. (Same as SPED 8353)   

CPED 6365. Perspectives and Research in Teaching Computer Science. 3 Credits.

CPED 6366. Perspectives and Research in Teaching English. 3 Credits.

The teaching of English in the context of the social and historical foundations of education and through conceptual frameworks from contemporary curriculum theory.

CPED 6367. Perspectives and Research in Teaching Science. 3 Credits.

Significant trends, findings, and perspectives in science education in the United States from the early nineteenth century to the present.

CPED 6368. Perspectives and Research in Teaching Social Studies. 3 Credits.

Deepens students' understanding of the social studies curriculum through analysis of current research, theory, and practice, and application of this knowledge to instructional planning.

CPED 6370. Perspectives and Research in Teaching Mathematics. 3 Credits.

Survey of the history of mathematics, mathematics education research, instructional design, and the teaching of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) curriculum standards. The impact of history in the field and research on teaching.

CPED 6410. Reading Children’s Literature across the Curriculum. 2,3 Credits.

Participants read and analyze multicultural children’s literature (from folktale to nonfiction) while simultaneously practicing discussion, dramatization, art, and writing response strategies suitable for involving all students and integrating literature across the school curriculum.

CPED 6412. Elementary School Curriculum and Methods. 2 Credits.

A comprehensive block course with sections in mathematics, science, language arts, and social studies. Integrated with CPED 6635. Pre-service teachers taking the four sections learn to be successful teachers of elementary methods in all content areas, including how to incorporate content and pedagogy into practice at their internships. May be repeated for up to 8 credits; with permission, up to four blocks (to a total of 8 credits) may be taken in one semester. Permission of the advisor required prior to enrollment.

CPED 6507. Instructional Models and Classroom Management. 3 Credits.

The interconnections between effective instruction and positive classroom management. Through planning, implementing, and evaluating learning activities that apply research-based practices, students link instructional and management strategies to specific content and thinking goals. Microteaching lab. Material fee.

CPED 6530. Assessment in the Secondary Classroom. 3 Credits.

Key concepts and principles in the field of educational assessment, with emphasis on practical applications for classroom teachers. Students design and evaluate a range of assessment tools in their content areas.

CPED 6532. Professional Internship in Middle School Education. 3-6 Credits.

Supervised internship in middle schools; required seminar. Restricted to permission from instructor.

CPED 6534. Professional Internship in Secondary Education. 6 Credits.

Internship seminar providing various means of support related to the field placement and program portfolio, as well as a forum for engaging in academic conversation around the field experiences. Fee applies.

CPED 6544. Educational Technology and Computer Literacy Methods. 3 Credits.

Computers and related technologies in educational settings. Using national technology standards for teachers as a framework, the course combines discussion of key issues related to technology in education, demonstration of technology-related instructional methods, and hands-on computer use and materials development. Material fee.

CPED 6545. Teaching Computer Science in Secondary Schools. 3 Credits.

Theoretical, curricular, and practical considerations. Thirty hours of field experience in a secondary classroom is required. Material fee.

CPED 6546. Teaching English in Secondary Schools. 3 Credits.

Offers theoretical, curricular, and practical considerations for teaching the content area concerned. Requires a 30-hour field experience in a secondary classroom. Material fee. Prerequisites: CPED 6606 and CPED 6507 and the approved certification coursework in the content area.

CPED 6547. Teaching Science in Secondary Schools. 3 Credits.

Offers theoretical, curricular, and practical considerations for teaching the content area concerned. Requires a 30-hour field experience in a secondary classroom. Material fee. Prerequisites: CPED 6606 and CPED 6507 and the approved certification coursework in the content area.

CPED 6548. Teaching Social Studies in Secondary Schools. 3 Credits.

Theoretical, curricular, and practical considerations. 30-hour field experience in a secondary classroom is required. Material fee. Prerequisites: CPED 6507 and CPED 6606.

CPED 6549. Teaching Art in Secondary Schools. 3 Credits.

Theoretical, curricular, and practical considerations. Material fee.

CPED 6550. Teaching Mathematics in Secondary Schools. 3 Credits.

Introductory course in mathematics teaching that derives its goals from pedagogy standards for secondary mathematics developed in collaboration with the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). Focus on developing and understanding middle and high school curriculum standards. Material fee.

CPED 6551. Second Language Instructional Methods. 3 Credits.

Knowledge and skills related to the instruction and assessment of language students in English and foreign language settings; past second language teaching methods, contemporary instructional approaches and materials, and other considerations in developing academic and social language proficiency. Requires field experience in a classroom. Materials fee. Prerequisites: CPED 6507 and CPED 6606.

CPED 6554. Issues, Study, and Practices - ESL. 3 Credits.

A critical review of scholarship and research findings in English as a second language. Major policy issues and implications that relate to ESL practice.

CPED 6555. Educating Language Minorities. 3 Credits.

A study of federal, state, and local policies and issues affecting the education of linguistically diverse populations. Resources for use with specific linguistically diverse groups.

CPED 6556. Linguistic Applications in English as a Second Language. 3 Credits.

The science of language and how its different branches may be used for English as a Second Language (ESL) teacher training, classroom instruction, material development, evaluation, research, and policy development.

CPED 6557. Second Language Acquisition. 3 Credits.

The nature of first and second language acquisition and development; social, psychological, and linguistic factors affecting language acquisition; implications of language acquisition research and theory on English and foreign language classroom instruction.

CPED 6604. Perspectives in American Education. 3 Credits.

Historical and social development of education in the United States; evolution of American education related to the growth of the nation and the changing social order; examination of selected issues in contemporary education.

CPED 6606. Theories of Learning and Development. 3 Credits.

A comprehensive investigation of the complex relationship between teaching and learning. How learning takes place, how it is motivated, and how it is influenced. Material fee.

CPED 6608. Development and Diversity. 3 Credits.

Student diversity in relation to theories of human growth and development. Diverse student strengths and needs; the special needs population; dynamics of inclusion; and intercultural issues related to the teaching/learning process. Material fee.

CPED 6622. Foundations of Reading Development. 3 Credits.

Theories of printed text reading acquisition and development; strategic processes of teaching and learning from printed texts; linguistic, cognitive, developmental, sociocultural, and affective dimensions and models of reading; design and implementation of meaningful reading instruction.

CPED 6623. Foundations of Reading Development. 2 Credits.

Basic theories and processes of reading acquisition and assessment; linguistic, cognitive, developmental, social, and affective bases of reading; influences of media, instructional strategies, including formal and informal assessment. Design and implementation of instruction in critical literacy.

CPED 6624. Foundations and Research of Literacy and Reading Education. 3 Credits.

Study of the scholarship on foundational and new literacy knowledge, concepts, and practices. Topics include models of literacy, theories and relations of multimodal and printed text reading (e.g., linguistic, psychological, and sociocultural), and the uses of these theories for the teaching and learning of literacies.

CPED 6626. Practicum 1: Reading Diagnosis, Assessment, and Solutions. 3 Credits.

Candidates learn advanced diagnostic and assessment procedures to determine specific difficulties associated with printed-text reading, generate diagnostic profiles, and make instructional recommendations. Data are collected from children who struggle with printed texts; and, from those data, case studies are developed with implications for instruction.

CPED 6627. Teaching Second Language Reading and Writing. 3 Credits.

Literacy development for language learners; theories of literacy development in a second or foreign language, strengths and needs of language learners, reading and writing instructional strategies for language and content classrooms. Appropriate for students interested in teaching ESL, foreign languages, or content areas in elementary or secondary schools. Materials fee.

CPED 6628. Literacies in Informal Learning Environments. 3 Credits.

How culture, language, and out-of-school literacy experiences, particularly those in museums, influence attitude, learning, affective and interdisciplinary knowledge, and teaching practices. New literacy research, curriculum, and literature, and how social and cultural factors contribute to the literacies of everyday life.

CPED 6635. Professional Internship in Elementary Education. 3-6 Credits.

Supervised internship; required seminar. Permission of the instructor required prior to enrollment. Material fee.

CPED 6691. Interdisciplinary Adolescent Literacies. 3 Credits.

Theory and practice of interdisciplinary adolescent literacies studied in the context of the interactions between the domain-specific and strategic processes involved in teaching and learning from printed text and other media in science, literature, mathematics, social studies, and the arts.

CPED 6701. Arts in the STEM Curriculum. 3 Credits.

In-depth coverage of approaches to integrating arts and design into STEM curricula (“STEAM”) for student learning; criteria and approaches for assessing student learning in arts-integrated STEM curricula; building a culture of craftsmanship; and collaborating with arts and design professionals.

CPED 6702. Integrating Engineering in the Math and Science Classroom. 3 Credits.

Approaches to integrating engineering and design into K-12 math and science classrooms. Students develop competencies by engaging in various forms of engineering and design, from small “design challenges” to more complex, semester-long engineering projects.

CPED 6703. Advanced STEM Teaching Methods. 3 Credits.

Advanced approaches for integrating science, technology, engineering, and mathematics into the K-12 classroom.

CPED 6801. Curriculum Evaluation. 3 Credits.

Core concepts and approaches to assess the quality of programs of study and associated curriculum materials.

CPED 6802. Curriculum Project Management. 3 Credits.

Case studies of end-to-end curriculum development projects; small- and large-scale curriculum development; efficacy and pilot testing; communicating with publishers and content experts; intellectual property; and managing budgets and teams.

CPED 8100. Special Topics. 1-12 Credits.

Topics and fees announced in the Schedule of Classes.

CPED 8101. Research and Independent Study. 1-3 Credits.

Individual research under guidance of a faculty member. Program and conferences arranged with an instructor.

CPED 8199. Federal Education Policy Institute. 3 Credits.


CPED 8309. Supervising Preservice Clinical Experience. 1-3 Credits.


CPED 8325. Curriculum Theory. 3 Credits.

History and development of the field of curriculum studies; theoretical perspectives on curriculum and the nature and purposes of curriculum research, development, and theorizing.

CPED 8330. Foundations of Education Research in Curriculum and Instruction. 3 Credits.

Works that have influenced twenty-first century curriculum and instruction: post-positivism, constructivism, critical theory, and post-structuralism/new materialism.

CPED 8331. Seminar in Teaching. 3 Credits.

Key issues that define the complexities of teaching; the connections between advanced teaching and learning.

CPED 8332. Review of Research and Scholarship in Education. 3 Credits.

Analysis of literature reviews in education and development of a systematic research literature review. Emphasis is on how reviews contribute to the accumulation of knowledge, theory building, and the development of new research questions.

CPED 8333. School Reform through Professional Development. 3 Credits.

Fundamental perspectives of school reform through professional development of educators (K–12); evolution of contemporary professional development models and trends: examination of interactive modules using selected professional development activities. Material fee.

CPED 8334. Seminar in Learning. 3 Credits.

Theories and processes for making claims about learning.

CPED 8335. Seminar in Research in Curriculum and Instruction II. 3 Credits.

Students develop research skills in curriculum and instruction; create an individual, unique, and focused research study that is feasible for a doctoral student to accomplish; and learn skills and strategies for writing a research proposal. Prerequisite: CPED 8334.

CPED 8340. Education Policy, Reform, and Teacher Leadership. 3 Credits.

This online course engages students in the study of education policies and reforms that specifically focus on teaching and teachers. Further, this course examines teacher leadership as it impacts school reform through professional development initiatives that sustain change efforts. Four areas of study ground the focus of this course: education policy, change theories and school reform, teacher leadership, and professional development. Restricted to doctoral students; permission of the instructor required for master's students.

CPED 8341. Evaluation in Curriculum and Instruction. 3 Credits.

This course teaches doctoral and master's students about evaluating curriculum and instruction related programs, projects, or policies. This course provides students with the theoretical grounding and practical experiences they need to develop and implement evaluation research. Students in the course are required to: 1) read current literature that covers the breadth of theories and models applied in the field of evaluation, 2) participate in live online discussions and instructor presentations and, 3) design, implement and report on a targeted evaluation of a curriculum and instruction related program, project or policy. Restricted to doctoral students; master's students with approval of instructor.

CPED 8354. Doctoral Internship. 3-6 Credits.

Supervised professional internship in college teaching, administration, supervision, research, policymaking, or private agency function. Permission of the advisor required prior to enrollment. May be repeated once for a total of 6 credits.

CPED 8998. Doctoral Seminar in Curriculum and Instruction. 3-6 Credits.

Review of literature; preparation of a dissertation proposal and a manuscript of publishable quality. Permission of the instructor and major advisor required prior to enrollment. Material fee.

CPED 8999. Dissertation Research. 3-6 Credits.

Prerequisite: CPED 8998.