Professors: E. Goldman, S. Khilji

Associate Professors: M. Cseh, R. Korte (Chair), E. Scully-Russ, J. Storberg-Walker

Assistant Professor: Y. Nakamura, S. Ray

Explanation of Course Numbers

  • Courses in the 1000s are primarily introductory undergraduate courses
  • Those in the 2000s to 4000s are upper-level undergraduate courses that also may be taken for graduate credit with permission and additional work assigned
  • Those in the 6000s and 8000s are for master’s, doctoral, and professional-level students
  • The 6000s are open to advanced undergraduate students with approval of the instructor and the dean or advising office

HOL 0920. Continuing Research - Master's. 1 Credit.

HOL 0940. Cont. Res. - Doctoral. 1 Credit.

HOL 5099. Variable Topics. 1-99 Credits.

HOL 6100. Special Workshop. 1-12 Credits.

Topics to be announced in the Schedule of Classes. May be repeated for credit.

HOL 6101. Research and Independent Study. 1-3 Credits.

Preparation of an in-depth project under the guidance of a faculty member. The course is arranged individually with the program advisor.

HOL 6700. Human Behavior and Learning in Organizations. 3 Credits.

How individuals and groups learn and interact within organizations and how organizations function and learn. Motivation, group dynamics, leadership, systems theory, organizational culture, and change.

HOL 6701. Adult Learning. 3 Credits.

Premises and theories used to meet learning needs of adults. Theories and impact of various stages of adult development on learners. Topics include self-directed learning, accommodating individual needs, and creating effective learning techniques.

HOL 6702. Organizational Change. 3 Credits.

Assessing organizational conditions; operations, problems (human, structural, and systemic), and the process of collecting and interpreting information.

HOL 6703. Consulting Skills. 3 Credits.

Concepts, methods, and skills required for effective consultation in organizations, as either an internal or an external consultant; meeting the human needs in organizations while improving performance and productivity. Students undertake a consulting project in an organization.

HOL 6704. Leadership in Organizations. 3 Credits.

Developments in theory and research centered on organizational leadership. Emphasis on various types of leadership, including transformational, responsible, authentic, and ethical.

HOL 6705. Strategic Change. 3 Credits.

Overview of best practices for organizing and managing people and organizations to compete successfully. Leading an organization through a process of self-examination, redesign, and change that results in sustained effectiveness, learning, and high performance.

HOL 6706. Current Issues in Organizational Leadership. 3 Credits.

Current issues and future trends in organizational leadership. Students gather data and analyze key topics associated with areas such as talent management, leading through demographic shifts, leadership in a globalized world, leading global change, and developing new forms of leadership, ethics, and sustainability.

HOL 6707. Organizational Learning. 3 Credits.

Learning in an organizational context. Processes through which the organization as a system learns, unlearns, changes, and disseminates information. Organizational learning theories address the processes and barriers of gathering, using, developing, and retaining knowledge in organizations.

HOL 6708. Global Leadership. 3 Credits.

The changes taking place in organizations due to the process of globalization and the requirements for leadership. The changing global environment, how those changes influence operational and strategic issues within global organizations, and how a leader can better understand the global environment to help organizations meet these new challenges.

HOL 6709. Leadership Development. 3 Credits.

Theories of and processes used in leader/leadership development; effects of leadership development on the individual and its importance to organizations. Prerequisite: HOL 6704.

HOL 6710. Globalization, Change, and Learning. 3 Credits.

With learning as the coping strategy, focus on how policymakers and global leaders can be helped to take advantage of the opportunities and address the challenges that globalization presents.

HOL 6711. Ethical, Responsible, and Humanistic Leadership. 3 Credits.

Introduction to emerging leadership approaches that are unconventional in their focus and target the very foundation of contemporary management and leadership practices, such as ethical, responsible, and humanistic leadership. Prerequisites: HOL 6704 or equivalent foundational course in leadership.

HOL 6712. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Organizations. 3 Credits.

Developments in the theory of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Practice of diversity management as an integrative, structural, and social change effort within organizations. Prerequisites: HOL 6700, HOL 6702, HOL 6704, and HOL 6746.

HOL 6720. Advanced Strategies for Adult Learning. 3 Credits.

Theoretical and practical strategies of adult learning in various settings, including corporate environments. Learning strategies, such as creative thinking and self-directed learning. Critical adult learning issues.

HOL 6721. Assessing the Impact of Organizational Change Using Qualitative and Quantitative Methods. 3 Credits.

Knowledge and skills needed to evaluate the impact and return on investment of change efforts; planning and conducting systematic evaluations of change efforts, including the choice, development, and use of various tools for measuring individual, group, and organizational change; assessing the success of the planned change.

HOL 6724. Increasing the Capacity to Learn. 3 Credits.

Identification of actions that can help increase the capacity to learn. Emphasis on experimental learning and critical reflection.

HOL 6725. Internship in Organizational Leadership and Learning. 3-6 Credits.

Supervised experience in selected areas of leadership, learning, and/or change. Admission by permission of the program advisor.

HOL 6726. Curriculum Design for Adult Learners. 3 Credits.

Exploration of theories, methods, and models of curriculum design for adult learners. Application of major design steps. Restricted to students in the master teacher leadership development program. Prerequisites: HOL 6701.

HOL 6727. Assessment of Adult Learning. 3 Credits.

Exploration of the major methods used to assess adult learning in classroom and workplace environments; means of ensuring the validity and reliability of the major methods. Restricted to students in the master teacher leadership development program. Prerequisites: HOL 6701.

HOL 6742. Design of Adult Learning Interventions. 3 Credits.

Designing and implementing adult learning programs. Topics include instructional design techniques, designing effective programs, program planning and marketing techniques, and conducting needs assessments and evaluations of adult learning programs.

HOL 6743. Action Learning. 3 Credits.

Processes, principles, and skills necessary to participate in and lead both single- and multiple-problem action learning sets. The six dimensions of action learning; educational psychological, political, sociological, and management theories underlying action learning.

HOL 6744. Meaningful Workplaces. 3 Credits.

Characteristics of the humane organization and of meaningful work. Intrinsic motivation, work–life balance, and the workplace community.

HOL 6745. Technology and Human Resource Development. 3 Credits.

How technology can best be utilized in the HRD environment. Discussion of CBT, use of the Internet for instruction, and distance learning techniques.

HOL 6746. Work Groups and Teams in Organizations. 3 Credits.

Exploration of the nature of work groups and teams as they are used in organizational settings. Group and team dynamics, facilitating and leading skills, and group roles and culture.

HOL 6747. International and Multicultural Issues in Organizations. 3 Credits.

The impact of culture and globalization on U.S. and international human and organizational learning programs and practices. Adult learning and organizational change approaches that develop and utilize the synergy of a global workforce.

HOL 6998. Thesis Research. 3 Credits.

Thesis research.

HOL 6999. Thesis Research. 3 Credits.

Thesis research.

HOL 8100. Special Topics in Human and Organizational Learning - Doctoral Studies. 3 Credits.

Topics to be announced in the Schedule of Classes. May be repeated for credit.

HOL 8101. Research and Independent Study. 1-3 Credits.

HOL 8700. Foundations of Human and Organizational Learning. 3 Credits.

The study of individuals and their interactions within an organizational context. Overview of key theories in leadership, systems theory, group dynamics, learning, organizational culture, and motivational theory. The use of research in human and organizational learning.

HOL 8701. Theory, Research, and Practice in Adult Learning and Development. 3 Credits.

Learning theories as applied to adults in individual and group learning transactions; effect of age on learning; psychological, physical, and social environments in adult education situations.

HOL 8702. Theory and Design of Organizational Diagnosis and Development. 3 Credits.

Focus on various paradigms through which organizations and their functions may be viewed; a variety of analytical models of organizations; techniques for assessing systems; application of analysis techniques.

HOL 8703. Human Systems Change. 3 Credits.

The classical and contemporary ideas related to social systems change; the relation of these ideas to current issues in organizations.

HOL 8704. Leadership Theory, Research, and Practice. 3 Credits.

Leadership in organizations with a focus on transformational leadership. Historical review of leadership theory and research; current developments in understanding leadership. Students examine their own leadership style and plan for continued development as a leader.

HOL 8705. Organizational Culture. 3 Credits.

Theory and research on organizational culture, from the multidisciplinary seminal works in anthropology, psychology, sociology, and management to current day theorizing and empirical research on culture. The rituals, values, and behaviors that differentiate cultural groups and the way cultural identities manifest themselves in organizational practices; and how organizational culture evolves and its relationship to other organizational phenomena such as innovation, strategy, sensemaking, and performance. Current trends in organizational culture theorizing.

HOL 8706. Interdisciplinary Readings in Human and Organizational Learning. 3 Credits.

Seminal works from various disciplines related to current research and practice.

HOL 8707. Advanced Organizational Learning. 3 Credits.

The psychological and sociological paradigms associated with the learning of a collective whole.

HOL 8708. Introduction to Doctoral Research. 3 Credits.

An introduction to scholarly inquiry for doctoral students. The role of the scholar-practitioner; types of scholarly inquiry and their components; diverse paradigms used to frame scholarly inquiry; and critical thinking skills for evaluating research in human and organizational learning.

HOL 8720. Seminar: Applied Research in Human and Organizational Learning. 3 Credits.

Identification of initial constructs and theories that support the identified research interest, with a problem statement and critical analysis of research reports and review of research literature.

HOL 8721. Practicum in Human and Organizational Learning. 3-6 Credits.

HOL 8722. Seminar: Advanced Issues in Human and Organizational Learning. 1-12 Credits.

Forum in which candidates critically examine relevant classic and contemporary literature, with analysis and synthesis to defend their research questions and conceptual frameworks.

HOL 8723. Organizations and Strategy in Human Resource Systems. 3 Credits.

Overview of paradigms, theories, models, and constructs of organizations and strategy to understand organizations and their environments.

HOL 8724. Creating and Planning Doctoral Research. 3 Credits.

Students learn to develop an evidence-based problem statement, design a conceptual framework, craft a research question, and conduct a literature review. Fundamental principles of both qualitative and quantitative research and various research strategies and designs.

HOL 8725. Integration of Theory, Research and Practice. 3 Credits.

Provides students with the opportunity to apply adult learning principles explored in the curriculum towards an integration and synthesis of the knowledge base in human and organizational studies. Aids in preparation for the comprehensive examinations and subsequently, dissertation development.

HOL 8726. Scholarly Inquiry. 3,6 Credits.

Introduction to the integration of theoretical and empirical-based knowledge using problems of practice. Students deepen their understanding of designing a research study and strengthen their research, writing, and scholarly advocacy skills. Restricted to doctoral students in the human and organizational learning program.

HOL 8741. Managerial and Organizational Cognition. 3 Credits.

The emerging field of collective cognition in organizations, including theoretical foundations and seminal and current literature on knowledge structures and their role in strategy formation, organizational change, and sensemaking.

HOL 8742. Work, Identity, and Adult Development. 3 Credits.

The influence of work on identity, intellectual and personality development, and other developmental attributes. Same as CNSL 8253/HDEV 8253.

HOL 8746. Work Groups and Teams in Organizations. 3 Credits.

Theoretical understanding and practical considerations of working with groups and teams. Group dynamics, facilitating and leading groups, and member roles. Group facilitation techniques across different group settings and environments.

HOL 8997. Preparation and Delivery of Doctoral Research. 3 Credits.

Students develop and present a mock dissertation proposal, receiving feedback from faculty and colleagues in order to refine their proposal. Prerequisites: none. Recommended background: Students are expected to have developed a literature review, conceptual framework, and research question for their dissertation research prior to enrolling in this class.

HOL 8998. Predissertation Seminar. 3-6 Credits.

Platform for further development of the dissertation proposal.

HOL 8999. Dissertation Research. 3,6 Credits.

Prerequisite: HOL 8998.